Style Is What You Make It

Natoque euismod a hic porta. Auctor, consequatur occaecati magna natus
pretium ornare ornare penatibus. Tempor viverra, erat veritatis​

an Andalusian patio with a palm tree
sheet, leaves, plant-7668351.jpg

Who I am

A nature worshipper: The harmonies of nature are the music of my soul. I consider myself a seasoned blogger, having painstakingly crafted and disseminated thousands of articles that have found an audience in a wide variety of fields. Every post you see on this site is thoroughly researched, interesting, and useful because of my unwavering dedication to producing high-quality content and genuine storytelling

My Mission

Please come along with me on this eco-friendly adventure. Let’s take a journey into the fascinating realm of houseplants, where we’ll marvel at their splendor, learn to meet their requirements, and get closer to them as a result. The plants themselves are the most important thing at IndoorBotanic; all articles are either about them or about necessary accessories that might be needed like soil or pots.
The purpose of IndoorBotanic is to create articles that add value to all who seek valuable information and/or help about indoor plants.

tillandsia, indoor plant,
A photo of me and my dog.
Founder &Owner

Kati Rochas Mann

Please know that I, a real person with muddy fingers and a heart full of botanical dreams, am the person behind every word written on IndoorBotanic and not just a face behind the screen. While I don’t have a formal scientific background, the content of this site is informed by my genuine interest in and experience with indoor plants.
Due to my lifelong fascination with plants and animals, my surroundings are constantly a different shade of green. Nature’s symphony has always been my inspiration, whether it’s the captivating allure of wildlife or the delicate murmurs of leaves brushing against one other.
I adore plants, and my home is full of greenery as evidence of that. I’ve got plants in every room! They all have their own personalities and tales to tell. My plants are mute witnesses to the numerous events in my life, from the countless hours I’ve spent writing to the gatherings of friends and family.

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